Ronda Hassig

Ronda Hassig is a national board-certified library media specialist at Harmony Middle School and a Kansas Master Teacher. She is a fifth generation Kansan. Born in Lawrence, the site of Quantrill's Raid, she has always loved history. Her first book, The "Abduction of Jacob Rote," published in 2012, tells the story of a real boy who led Quantrill and his men to Lawrence the fateful morning of August 21, 1863. Her mother’s side of the family came to Lawrence in November of 1863, just three months after the massacre. She is married to a retired history teacher and together, they have traveled the world. She loves to read, write and walk her three feral dogs. Whenever possible, you can find all five of them at their home away from home, which sits near the Oregon Trail.

Books by
Ronda Hassig