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Airport Gun Dude

Damian Donati is a successful businessman who resides in the northern upscale Atlanta metro area. He has never been in any trouble with the law in his entire 53 years. One beautiful summer morning as he was embarking on a fun filled company trip to Chicago to party and attend a Cubs game, he unknowingly made a terrible mistake. Due to this oversight, he was arrested and subsequently sent to jail. This was a total shock to him, his friends and his family. This wasn't just any jail though; this was the Clayton County Jail in Clayton County, Georgia. For those that live in metro Atlanta, they know that Clayton County is the county most notorious for crime. Those watching the local nightly news know that Clayton County is mentioned most often in the crime reports. While the author is from upscale suburbia, the jail was in the “hood.” He was very unsure about his trip to jail, even scared. But as the experience unfolded, he learned that jail wasn't so bad after all. He learned how to laugh with the “hood,” listen to their unique stories, learn from them, and teach them lessons that they likely had never been taught. His unexpected humorous and emotional experience in jail will teach all readers that we all can enjoy one another and laugh with one another, regardless of our backgrounds or economic status. This book tells a very enlightening, funny and serious story of his experience bringing laughter and even tears to the reader, as he describes his experience in the Clayton County Jail.

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